Saturday 4 June 2016

Darkness cannot drive out darkness

Right let’s get some things cleared up.

I hate the words Homophobia and Transphobia.

The English Oxford dictionary defines phobia as;
An extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.

In my opinion, something to be a phobia, it is more of a fear than a dislike. For example claustrophobia (Extreme or irrational fear of confined places) or agoraphobia (Extreme or irrational fear of open or public places). 

Whereas the definition of Homophobia is a Dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people. The fear part of phobia has been forgotten and now people’s personal dislike that has become the focus. I personally cannot stand rude narrow-minded people but unfortunately there isn’t a Rude-phobia or Narrowminded-phobia.

I cannot believe that being transgender is an actual issue, especially in America. I am looking at them right now because of the current toilet situation.

America is supposed to be “the land of the free and the home of the brave?”Guys! A heads up, it’s in your national anthem.

The Transgender Violence Tracking Portal (TVTP) released its first report in 2014, a couple of days after International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.

In the first four months of 2014, 102 acts of violence against transgender people have been logged. These are only the cases that have been reported and sadly there have been many more unreported acts of violence because many people are too scared to speak out at the risk of more abuse.

According to the statistics sent out from TVTP, 10 percent of the 102 acts were suffered by transgender youth:
•    An 8-year-old boy was beaten to death by his father
•    A 14-year-old was strangled to death and stuffed under a bed
•    An 18-year-old suffered two violent attacks by a mob and survived

Among the 102-person figure that comes in from 14 countries worldwide, 36 persons were shot multiple times, 14 stabbed multiple times, 11 were beaten to death, three were burned to death, three dismembered/mutilated, two were tortured, two were strangled, one was hanged, one had her throat cut and one was stoned to death.

What part of this is okay?!!!!

The number of transgender homicide victims in the USA hit a historic high in 2015 . Leading members of Congress had to officially respond and realize that there was an emerging pattern of tragedy which leads to the first-ever forum on transgender violence.

The Human Rights Campaign documented 21 transgender homicide victims in 2015, almost all of them transgender women of colour, and these figures are likely an underestimate due to the difficulty of tracking homicides.

Among all 53 transgender murders from 2013 to 2015, not a single case was prosecuted or reported as a hate crime.

Transgender facts
•    Transgender people are four times more likely to have a household income of less than $10,000 a year
•    70 percent of respondents have been denied access or assaulted or harassed while using public bathrooms
•    78 percent of respondents suffered physical or sexual violence at school and attempted suicide.
•    65 percent of respondents experienced violence at work
•    69 percent of respondents have experienced homelessness.
•    60 percent of respondents reported a doctor or health care provider refused to treat them.
•    57-61 percent of respondents were disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers.

Transgender people have all these issues facing them daily and you’re scared about them going to the bathroom!

If you need to see anymore Transgender statistics please feel free to read my Caitlyn Jenner post (below) where you can see more Transgender statistics.